
Route Into Engineering – John Wheal

Route Into Engineering – John Wheal

New UWE Engineering building designed to include everyone

New UWE Engineering building designed to include everyone

Homeschool Resources – University of Bath ‘Taster talks’

Homeschool Resources – University of Bath ‘Taster talks’

“Managing Motorways in the Sky” – John Wheal is Born to Engineer.

“Managing Motorways in the Sky” – John Wheal is Born to Engineer.

“Never been a better time” –  Sol and Ben Ryan – New Born to Engineer Video

“Never been a better time” – Sol and Ben Ryan – New Born to Engineer Video

WIRED releases its 2017 Smart List

WIRED releases its 2017 Smart List

Yusuf Muhammads revolutionary technology helps teenager with no hands or feet ride a bike for the first time

Yusuf Muhammads revolutionary technology helps teenager with no hands or feet ride a bike for the first time

Is film a useful way to showcase research?

Is film a useful way to showcase research?

New “Born to Engineer” Video – Lewis Wilde Apprentice Engineer

New “Born to Engineer” Video – Lewis Wilde Apprentice Engineer