Physics is a cornerstone of Engineering – a huge and complex field that deals with everything from black holes and wormholes to quantum teleportation and gravitational waves.
It is pretty hard to figure out how all these concepts actually fit together. YouTuber Dominic Walliman is on a mission to straight out physics and has created a map that shows how the many branches of physics link together.
Walliman’s map shows how the many branches of physics link together; covering everything from the earliest days of classical physics and Isaac Newton, all the way through to Einstein’s relativity and quantum physics (there is even some philosophy thrown into the mix).
If you are still confused after viewing the map big (click to download it) don’t panic. Walliman’s video below will walk you through it step by step and a delightful minutes.
The video highlights the “chasm of ignorance” which needs to be filled in before scientists can understand how the Universe works. We need to learn more, and the more we learn the more we realise we still need to discover.
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