Oxford could become the world’s first zero emission zone by 2035

Oxford could become the world’s first zero emission zone by 2035

Oxford prides itself as a bike-riding city, but the town might well become the world’s first zero-emission zone by 2035 if plans to radically lower emissions are implemented.


New plans could see any petrol or diesel vehicles entering the city would be fined – pushing commuters to use electric cars across the city. The plan would not only see the town join other low-emission cities in the C40 group but go even further.

The plan came about after 75% of the Oxfords pollution was linked to traffic. Both the city and county councils decided to create a low-emission zone to tackle the problem.

Since 2014 only low-emitting vehicles have been allowed Oxfords city limits, forcing buses to switch to low-emission or hybrid fleets.

The scheme has been a success; air quality has improved by almost one-third and last year Oxford came second for cycling towns (with 22% of residents cycling three or more times a week).

Oxfords zero pollution scheme

The next step though is more ambitious – zero pollution.

The first stage will the creation of a zero-emission zone – half a square mile in size – in the cities centre.

This will be expanded each year; until in 2035, the zone covers the whole city. Any petrol or diesel vehicles entering the city will be fined.

While the move might seem radical now; the next decade will see a boom in electric cars with some companies ceasing production of any petrol or diesel vehicles completely.

The rise of advanced electric technology and its increasing availability will make zero- and low-emission zones easier to enforce.

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