Hong Kong’s Pin Hopes on Cutting-Edge Cycling Bodysuits for Paris Olympics Glory

Hong Kong’s Pin Hopes on Cutting-Edge Cycling Bodysuits for Paris Olympics Glory

As the world prepares its athletes to showcase their skills at the Paris Olympics, a groundbreaking development in cycling technology has emerged in Hong Kong, promising to give the city’s competitors an extra edge.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Bossini have collaborated to create cutting-edge cycling bodysuits, which experts have described as “the best in the world.”

31d website AAF A. Kwok Sports Aerodynamics Science Initiative

The Science Behind the Suits Professor Xin Zhang and Professor Zhou Peng from HKUST believe they lead a new aerodynamic revolution. Their research, conducted using HKUST’s state-of-the-art wind tunnel, has claimed remarkable results. The new bodysuits are estimated to reduce drag by an impressive 3%, translating to a 1% time saving—a significant advantage in a sport where every fraction of a second counts.

The Role of Aerodynamics in Professional Cycling

In the world of professional cycling, every second counts. As athletes push their limits to achieve faster times and secure victories, the importance of aerodynamics cannot be overstated.

Aerodynamics, the study of how air flows around objects, plays a critical role in determining a cyclist’s speed, efficiency, and success on the track or road.

At its core, cycling is a battle against resistance. As cyclists move through the air, they encounter wind resistance, also known as aerodynamic drag. This drag force acts in the opposite direction of the cyclist’s motion, slowing them down and requiring them to expend more energy to maintain their speed.

In fact, overcoming aerodynamic drag can account for up to 90% of a cyclist’s energy expenditure at high speeds. By minimising drag, cyclists can conserve energy, maintain higher speeds, and gain a significant advantage over their competitors.

The science behind aerodynamics in cycling involves a complex interplay of factors, including the cyclist’s body position, clothing, helmet design, and bicycle geometry.

One of the fundamental principles is that of streamlining. By adopting a more aerodynamic body position, such as the “aero tuck” used by time trial specialists, cyclists can reduce their frontal area and minimise the amount of air resistance they encounter. This involves lowering the head, elongating the spine, and keeping the elbows and knees close to the body, creating a more streamlined profile that allows air to flow more smoothly around the cyclist.

Clothing and equipment play a significant role in aerodynamics. Specially designed skinsuits, made from materials that reduce friction and drag, have become a staple in professional cycling. These suits often feature textured fabrics that create a boundary layer of turbulent air around the cyclist, which, counterintuitively, can help reduce overall drag by preventing airflow separation from the cyclist’s body. Helmets, too, have transformed in recent years with designs that prioritise aerodynamics over traditional ventilation. By smoothing the flow of air over the head and shoulders, aero helmets can significantly reduce drag.

The bicycle itself is also a crucial component in the aerodynamic equation. Frame tubes, wheels, and handlebars have all been redesigned to minimise air resistance. Teardrop-shaped tubes, deep-section wheel rims, integrated handlebars and stem combinations are all examples of aerodynamic optimisations that have become commonplace in professional cycling. Wind tunnel testing and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have allowed engineers and designers to fine-tune every aspect of a bicycle’s geometry, resulting in machines that slice through the air with unprecedented efficiency.

In time trials, where riders race against the clock, aerodynamic optimisation can be the difference between victory and defeat. In road races, where cyclists often spend hours in the saddle, the energy savings provided by aerodynamic efficiency can help to conserve precious reserves for decisive moments, such as breakaways or sprint finishes.

As the margins of victory in professional cycling continue to narrow, the role of aerodynamics in gaining a competitive edge only continues to grow. By understanding and leveraging the science of airflow, today’s cyclists are pushing the boundaries of what is possible on two wheels and, in doing so, are redefining the limits of human performance.

Professor Zhang explained, “The suit has several types of fabric and pattern. Nothing is there without consideration for aero design. Each athlete’s suit is individually tailored. If the public goes to Marks & Spencer, this is Savile Row.”

Professor Zhang’s expertise in aerodynamics extends from racing cars to Olympic Cycling. With a background in aerospace engineering, he has worked with multiple Formula One teams, where applying aerodynamic principles is crucial for success. This experience has proven invaluable in the development of the new cycling bodysuits.

“[Formula One teams] came to Southampton, too – that facilitated the transfer of aerospace engineering technology to sport, and cross-fertilisation between the two sectors,” Zhang noted. “Now, it is so established in cycling that not having an aerodynamics programme is a route to failure.”

Tailoring Technology for Each Athlete One of the critical aspects of the new bodysuits is the individualised approach taken in their design. Each suit is tailored to the specific athlete, ensuring optimal performance. Digital modelling, aided by the powerful Tianhe-2 supercomputer, allows for creating a virtual replica of each cyclist and their equipment.

To further refine the design, mannequins are employed in the wind tunnel for repeated testing. “We want the best design for the athlete to achieve their fastest speed,” Zhang explained. “Mannequins are better for repeated testing than humans, because we can guarantee everything remains the same.”

The success of the new bodysuits builds upon a legacy of innovation in Hong Kong’s cycling community. Sarah Lee Wai-Sze, who won bronze in the Tokyo Olympics, competed in an earlier iteration of the “aero speed suit” developed by HKUST.

Looking forward, HKUST aims to expand its sports aerodynamics research to other disciplines, such as triathlon and windsurfing. The university hopes to cultivate the next generation of world-class competitors by sharing their knowledge and technology with young athletes. With the potential to shave precious seconds off race times, these aerodynamic tweaks might propel Hong Kong’s athletes to new heights of success.


  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Bossini have developed cutting-edge cycling bodysuits for the Paris Olympics.
  • The suits reduce drag by 3% and provide a 1% time saving.
  • Professor Xin Zhang, an expert in aerodynamics, led the research using HK UST’s state-of-the-art wind tunnel.
  • Each suit is individually tailored to the athlete, with digital modelling and mannequin testing employed.
  • The new bodysuits build upon Hong Kong’s legacy of innovation in cycling technology.
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