There is just over a week to go to get your entries into this years David Clark Prizes – nominations must be submitted by Friday 4th February 2022.

The prize offers two exceptional teachers working in primary schools and another for teachers in secondary schools, colleges or UTCs a £8,000 prize.
The prize is offered by the ERA Foundation, of which Born to Engineer is part and celebrates those that have gone beyond what is required in the syllabus by inspiring students and showcasing real world engineering in the classroom.
The winner will receive a £3,000 personal award as well as £5,000 for their school to be used to promote engineering.
Winners are selected based on –
- The vision offered for a technology and design (or other STEM subjects) education that could inspire and lead to a successful career in engineering
- The level of creativity shown in shaping their work with young people
The success that the teacher has had in their interaction with young people (both in terms of numbers reached and the difference this has made to them) - Evidence against the criteria to support the nomination should principally be drawn from work that has been done over the last 5 years although the Foundation will consider nominations where the case is based on a sustained contribution over a longer period.
Applicants statements are limited to 600-words and we reserve the right to decline proposals that exceed that limit.
Completed nominations must be submitted by Friday 4th February 2022 to [email protected]
You can download and complete the nomination form at