Bournemouth University has announced a huge £38m investment in new STEM facilities.

Artist’s impression showing proposal for a new Gateway building at Bournemouth University. It will complement and sit alongside a Gateway Building currently under construction at the Talbot Campus.
The University is planning a new Science Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) building for its Talbot campus. The plans are set to be submitted after a four-week public consultation.
Professor John Vinney, Bournemouths Vice Chancellor explaiend that the new campus was designed “to ensure [the Universiy] continues to attract high calibre staff and students and deliver world class research for years to come, BU needs to invest in new facilities to remain competitive.”
The new building follows the creation of the ‘Gateway’ building on the campus. Set to open later this year it sports state-of-the-art video studios, animation suites, and sound production facilities.
The University has heavily invested in its academic environment. By 2025 it will have spent around £200m on campus developments.
The STEM center will include specialist spaces for computing and psychology labs and office accommodation, as well as a lecture theatre, seminar rooms and flexible research facilities for use by all staff and students.
A public exhibition giving more details about the plans will be held on 12 June at Talbot Campus.